Which Of The Following Is Most Basic Alkaline Earth Metal
Which Of The Following Is Most Basic – Alkaline earth metals are found in group 2 elements of the periodic table. So, this is known as an alkaline earth metal. Group two-element are beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium. These group elements are pretty similar in physical and chemical properties.
Let’s take, For example, whole the alkaline earth metal is in silvery-white color solid, which is a standard condition. However, it has highly shiny and pretty reactive. Most important, the general electronic configuration of these elements is ns2. When all full alkaline s-orbital at their respective valence shell. After that, they tend to lose two electrons readily lose two electrons to get a cation with the charge of +2. Therefore, most common oxidation state exhibited by the alkaline earth metals is +2.
Characteristic Compound Of Alkaline Earth Metal Which Of The Following Is Most Basic Alkaline Earth Metal
Which Of The Following Is Most Basic Alkaline Earth Metal – Firstly, as I mention the characterictic compound in the first paragraph, alkaline earth metal has two properties physical and chemical properties; let begin with physical properties
Physical Properties
Physical properties are in silvery and white color. And, they are softer but harder than alkali metal. In alkaline earth metal apper greyish color in beryallium and magnesium. But, some are apper in white. Melting and boiling point are higer than alkali metal. Alkaline metal has strongly electropositive in nature. However, earth metal give different type of color with a flame test like calcium gives a brick red color, strontium gives crimson color, and barium gives apple green color.
Chemical Properties
In chemical properties, all alkaline earth metal is the form of monoxide But, except beryllium. And, chemical properties have high electrical and thermal conductivities when they are in metallic bonding. However, alkaline earth metal oxides are basic but less than alkali metals. Similarly, the hydroxide of an alkaline earth metal is essential, except for beryllium hydroxide. And group two elements from solid carbonates when one moves from beryllium to barium, thermal stability of carbonates will increase—similarly, alkaline earth metal also from sulphate like BeSO4 and MgSO4.
Alkaline earth metals also form sulfates such as BeSO4 and MgSO4. Beryllium sulphate and magnesium sulfate are soluble in water compared to other sulfates of alkaline earth metals.
Group 2 elements form hydrated, crystallized nitrates. For example, heating nitrates include oxides; Barium nitrate crystallizes to form anhydrous salt, whereas magnesium nitrate crystallizes with six water molecules.
2Ba(NO3)2 + heat → 2BaO + 4NO2 + O2
Alkaline earth metals form halides after reacting with halogens. For example, beryllium chloride polymerizes in the solid phase.
Benefits Of Using Alkaline earh metal And Which Of The Following Is Most Basic
Which Of The Following Is Most Basic – Alkaline earth metal has many benefits like calcium compounds are primarily create in lime stone, marble and chalk. However, calcium is the most important constituent of cement. It can also used in alloy formation. And, Beryallium is use for window x-ray tubes. Magnesium aluminum alloy are use for aircraft construction. And, also it is use in your daily morning life it means use for toothpaste which contain magnesium carbonate. Calcium is also use in the extraction of metal fom oxides. Moreover, calcium is a major component of bones and teeth.
Alkaline earth metals are found in group 2 elements of the periodic table. So, this is known as an alkaline earth metal. Group two-element are beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium. These group elements are pretty similar in physical and chemical properties. Alkaline uses as in many different ways such as It can also used in alloy formation. And, Beryallium is use for window x-ray tubes. Magnesium aluminum alloy are use for aircraft construction.